
Which Factors Are Effective in Dental Bonding Prices? 

Which Factors Are Effective in Dental Bonding Prices? 

Dental bonding treatment has become one of the most popular procedures of aesthetic dentistry. The bonding procedure is used for changing the color and shape of the tooth, correcting minor defects, and extending the length of the teeth. The main aim of the treatment is to provide a beautiful smile to the patient alongside tooth integrity. The dental bonding treatment is a more economical option compared to the other dental procedures.

How Is the Dental Bonding Procedure Performed?

 The bonding procedure, which is among both aesthetic dentistry and preventive dentistry treatments, consists of hardening and gluing composite materials in the natural white color of the tooth. Dental bonding, which is frequently used in smile design procedures, can be performed on any patients of all age groups.

So, how is the dental bonding procedure done? The procedure is completed in a single session lasting from half an hour to an hour. Its fast and practicality also increase its popularity. Local anesthesia is usually not needed in the bonding process unless the patient has caries. The dentist starts the preparations after selecting the composite materials in a color that will match the patient's tooth tone.

The surface of the teeth to be bonded is roughened, and then the liquid is applied to ensure the adhesion of the material to the tooth. The next step is to bring the tooth-colored composite materials into the desired shape. Before the material hardens, the dentist shapes these like a sculptor. Laser light is generally used to harden these materials. After the material hardens, it can be cut to size if necessary. Finally, the material adhered to the teeth is polished for a perfect result and the procedure is done.

How Is the Dental Bonding Priced?

 Dental bonding is a much cheaper treatment compared to other procedures such as dental implants, laminate and porcelain veneers, and zirconium crowns. However, you should keep in mind that many factors determine the cost of the procedure.

The number of teeth to be treated: The cost of dental bonding increases in parallel with the number of teeth to be treated. The more teeth that need to be treated, the higher the cost.

The quality of the materials used: As in every procedure, it is possible to cost the treatment at a more affordable price by using cheaper materials in dental bonding. However, the importance of the material used for a good bonding treatment should not be overlooked, and it should be ensured that reasonable but quality products are used.

Treatment area: In addition to the number of teeth to be applied, the size of the area to be applied causes the price of the procedure to increase or decrease. This means that it will cost less to treat a notched tooth, while it will be more expensive to treat a cracked tooth.

Dentist and clinic: An experienced and reputable dentist, and a fully equipped clinic can charge slightly higher prices. On the other hand, it is much more logical to choose such a doctor and clinic to achieve a natural-looking, successful, and long-lasting result without encountering any complications.

You can contact our clinic to get a free consultation from our specialist dentists if you want to benefit from a dental bonding procedure.