
When Is All on 4 Implant the Best Option

When Is All on 4 Implant the Best Option?

Oral and dental health is one of the factors that determine the quality of life of people. Many prosthetic techniques have been developed over the years, as teeth are of great importance in terms of both health and aesthetics. The one with the highest patient satisfaction among these techniques is the All on 4 implant treatment, which has been applied for more than 10 years and recommended by dentists.

The most important features that distinguish All on 4 implant technique from other classical implant methods are that it can be applied to almost everyone, from patients with no teeth to very old patients, and gives fast results. In all-on technique, 2 implants are placed in the posterior region of the jaw at an angle of 30-35 degrees, and the other 2 implants are placed in the anterior region. Before the treatment, the patient's dental measurements are taken and temporary prostheses are prepared. In the procedure performed under local anesthesia, the teeth that need to be extracted are extracted and the implants are placed. After these implants are placed, temporary dental prostheses are fixed on them. In this way the patient does not remain toothless for months as in classical implant methods, instead continues his/her life with prosthetic teeth right after the operation. After the implants are fused with the jaw in about 3 months, permanent teeth are placed in the jaw.

The Advantages of the All on 4 Dental Implant Treatment

All on 4 dental treatment, which is the most advanced implant technique, has other advantages besides giving the tooth all its functions and an aesthetic appearance. Here are the advantages of the All-on-4 method compared to classical implant methods:

- It can be safely applied even to patients with excessive bone loss and completely toothless,

- All implants are placed within a single session,

-The operation time is shorter,

-No need for an advanced surgical application,

-Less number of implants are needed,

-Less cost,

-Since the prosthesis teeth are planned individually, they are 100% compatible with the patient,

-Suitable for patients who cannot use removable prostheses,

-Easy to maintain,

-Completion in fewer sessions compared to conventional implant treatment,

-Prevents further bone loss,

-It does not damage the anatomical structure of the bones while placing the implants since it benefits from the regions with higher bone quality,

-Improves speech and chewing functions,

-Healing process is short and less painful,

-It gives an instant aesthetic result.

All-on-4 treatment is a process that is planned separately for each patient. For this reason, it is necessary to wait for the necessary evaluations to be made to the patient in order to name an exact price. If you want to benefit from All on 4 implant treatment, which is a long-lasting, reliable, and economical treatment, you can contact our clinic and benefit from our free consultancy service. Do not forget that with successful implant treatment, you will not only regain your dental health but also increase your self-confidence.