
What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implant Treatment?

What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implant Treatment?

Dental implant treatment, which has been in our lives for many years, is one of the most widely performed dental procedures today. Even completely edentulous patients can have healthy teeth thanks to the dental implant treatment, which has reached a very good level with the help of medical and technological developments in our age. The reason why implant treatment is so popular is that it has an extremely high success rate. So, is it always possible to achieve success with implant treatment?


As we said above, implant treatment has a high success rate. However, this does not mean that every implant treatment will be 100% successful in all circumstances. According to studies, the overall success rate of dental implant treatment is around 95-98%, and the positive result depends on many factors such as the patient, the doctor, the planning of the treatment process, and the post-treatment process.


Factors that Affects the Success of the Procedure


The Planning


Nothing can be permanent without a solid foundation. The basis of implant treatment is the planning phase and therefore, the treatment process should be well planned. First of all, the patient's bone density and tooth deficiency should be determined in detail with examinations and tests. At this stage, computer-assisted 3D tomography devices are used. Then, the necessary digital scans are made for the patient whose 3D tomography is taken, and it is decided at what angle and where the implant holes will be opened. Since there is no standard implant treatment, determining a special treatment plan according to the oral structure and condition of each patient highly affects the success of the treatment.


The Choice of the Doctor


Perhaps the most important factor that directly affects the success of implant treatment is choosing the right dentist. The chance of a positive result is much higher when the treatment is performed by a competent and experienced dentist who can communicate well with his/her patient and understands them. 


Materials and the Environment


The quality of the materials to be used by the dentist and the equipment of the clinic/hospital are also quite important. The materials used in implantology must be suitable for every tissue and of a quality that will fulfill their functions for many years.


General Health Condition of the Patient


If the patient has a chronic disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure, the chances of success of the treatment may decrease. Especially uncontrolled diabetes can overshadow the implant treatment. However, if the patient takes his/her medications regularly and can keep his/her blood sugar level under control, there is no obstacle to implant treatment.


Dental Care after the Procedure


After having implant treatment, patients need to pay more attention to their oral and dental health than ever before. You should not neglect to brush your teeth 3 times a day, and use mouthwash and dental floss regularly.




Smokers should think twice before having implant treatment. Patients are asked not to smoke until the implants fuse with the bone, or at least to reduce smoking as much as possible.


If you want to get more detailed information about implant treatment, contact us now to get a free consultation from our expert dentists and take a step for dental treatment with the difference of Okutan Polyclinic.