
What Is Gingivectomy?

What Is Gingivectomy?

It is a known fact that cosmetic dentistry is in demand today. People now know that it is not difficult to say goodbye to their teeth far from aesthetic appearance and enjoy a healthy smile, and they want to benefit from cosmetic dentistry services. However, the basis for a beautiful smile is not only the shape and arrangement of the teeth but also its harmony with the whole mouth structure. For example, even if your teeth are not deformed, it is difficult to have an aesthetic smile if your gums are too dominant. For an ideal smile, the gums should not come out too much when smiling or talking. Excessive gums are a problem called "gummy smile" and can be easily treated thanks to today's developing dentistry.


When Is Gingivectomy Performed?


Factors such as teeth, jaw structure, the distance of the nose to the lips are the factors that determine an aesthetic smile. Gingivectomy teeth are an ideal treatment method for people who are shorter than their mouth structure and therefore have too many gums. This condition is usually a congenital problem. In gingivectomy treatment, the length of the teeth is extended by removing the excess gums and thus the patient has a healthier smile.

The process starts with cleaning the plaque and tartar on the tooth surface. Some patients may also need to smoothen the root surface. Following these steps, the teeth are numbed with the help of local anesthesia and excess gums are removed by surgical intervention. Gingivectomy procedure is performed with the help of special surgical instruments. Cautery or laser is also used to shape the gums.

The time of the procedure depends on the number of teeth to be applied. If all upper teeth need to be intervened, the procedure may take up to 1 hour. If less intervention is required, this time can be reduced to 15 minutes.

After the gingivectomy procedure is completed, a bandage is placed over the gums. This bandage should stay on the gums for the next 10 days. These bandages do not cause any obstacle to eating and drinking, but during this period, patients should stay away from spicy and hard foods and instead should turn to soft and liquid foods. The bandages are removed by the dentist after 10 days. The gums will have a normal appearance within an average of 1 month, but it will take at least 2 months for the tissues to fully heal.

It is quite common to experience some pain after a gingivectomy. Your dentist will prescribe some pain killers and a mouthwash to minimize this pain. You should use them as directed by your doctor. During the healing process, general oral and dental care should be taken seriously and teeth should be kept clean. All areas, except the protective bandage, should be thoroughly brushed and flossed daily. The cleaner you keep your teeth, the healthier and shorter your healing process will be.

To benefit from gingivectomy and many other dental/gum treatment opportunities, you can call the Okutan Dental Polyclinic and get a free consultation from our specialist dentists.