
What is Diastema and How can it Be Treated?

Diastema (Gapped Teeth) Treatment

Gapped teeth mean the formation of an unwanted gap between two teeth that adversely affects the aesthetic appearance. Diastema, which adversely affects smiles and therefore aesthetics, is a problem that can be encountered by many people. Gapped teeth syndrome, which can be seen in both children and adults and is often a congenital problem, also has the potential to occur spontaneously over time. 

Diastema can affect diction in some people as well as sudden complaints such as saliva leaking to the throat during swallowing. If the tongue constantly touches the space between the teeth, the gap in question can grow more over time. There is also the possibility that the language region will be damaged within a certain period.

Possible Causes of Gapped Teeth

The reasons behind the formation of gapped teeth may vary from person to person. In some individuals, the cause of the gapped tooth may be related to the jawline or tooth size. There may be a possibility of forming a gap between the teeth that are disproportionately positioned with the jawbone. At this point, since the anatomical structure of the teeth and jawbone may be genetic, there is a possibility that the gapped tooth problem is congenital.

Gapped tooth syndrome, also known as diastema; can occur as a result of gum growth between the two teeth in front and the gum line. As a result of this excessive growth, the distance between the teeth increases, and the problem of gapped teeth arises. In addition, many causes can be listed among the causes of diastema. Food and beverage habits, swallowing reflexes, gum disorders, and any activity that will put pressure on the front teeth can be shown among the reasons in question.

Treatment Options for Diastema

The gapped tooth, which negatively affects the self-confidence of the individual and limits his social life in an abstract sense, can be solved thanks to effective treatment methods. 

Braces Treatment

Diastema treatment can be performed by physicians specialized in orthodontics by applying braces treatment. This technique, which is applied with palate, plaques, metal, or transparent braces, is one of the most preferred diastema treatment methods. The details of this technique are determined according to the tooth structure of the person. Gapped teeth after braces are an aesthetic appearance obtained.

Bonding Technique

Another preferred method for gapped tooth syndrome is the bonding method. The bonding technique is ideal for individuals who do not want to use apparatus such as palate or braces or who want to get results quickly. During this method, gap fillings are used and can take an average of 30-60 minutes. Thanks to the composite filling selected in harmony with the color of the teeth, the treatment of gapped tooth syndrome is possible. 

Porcelain Tooth (Lamine) Technique

Another discrete dental aesthetic method is porcelain leaf application. This technique, which removes the shape and discoloration of the teeth, is one of the most preferred treatments in the treatment of diastema syndrome. In the laminating technique, which provides an effective aesthetic appearance, laminates are measured according to the tooth cavity to be closed in the laboratory environment. The laminates produced are applied to the gapped teeth, and then no extra intervention is required.

Recovery Process After Diastema Treatment 

How long the diastema treatment will take may vary according to the patient's response to the treatment method chosen and the anti-diastema treatment. There are treatment methods that are completed in different processes such as dental braces treatments that can last for months or laminated tooth application that ends in two-three days, and bonding application that results are obtained within a few hours. In this direction, according to the budget of the individual, the degree of diastema, and the medical evaluations of the dentist, the method to be chosen for treatment can be determined. After diastema treatments, obtaining all the details from the specialist dentist is useful in bringing awareness to the patient during the healing process. 

Pain medications recommended by the orthodontist physician can be used for minimal pain that may occur during the healing process of diastema treatment. During the recovery, some details should be paid attention to in the eating and drinking order. In the first period after treatment, extremely hot or extremely cold products should not be preferred. Care should be taken not to consume hard foods for the first few days. The consumption of alcoholic and acidic drinks should be limited.

Gapped teeth treatment, which eliminates aesthetic anxiety and presents patients with confident smiles, is an orthodontic technique that gives highly effective results. A free consultation can be obtained to learn the details about the cost of gapped teeth treatments and as a result of this consultation, the best dentist for the procedure can be easily reached.