
What Is All-on-6 Dental Implant Treatment? 

What Is All-on-6 Dental Implant Treatment? 

All-on-6 dental implant treatment is a fixed prosthodontics technique that can be applied to patients with tooth loss by placing 6 implants at certain angles. This treatment allows patients with total tooth loss to have healthy teeth in a single day. All-on implant treatment is applied by 4 or 6 screws onto the jaw. This method yields successful results even in patients who suffer from severe bone loss.  

Before the All-on-6 treatment, patients’ lower and upper jaws are examined in detail through visualization techniques. The treatment is planned after evaluating the results of these. The biggest advantage of All-on-4 and All-on-6 compared to the standard implant method is that they last much longer. Besides, conventional implants require a longer treatment process while the all-on-6 method is done in a single day.

The front implants are placed at an angle of 90 degrees and the posterior implants are placed at an angle of 45 degrees in the upper and lower jaw. Temporary prosthodontics are attached to the implants on the same day. After waiting for 3 months until the screws are fused with the temporary prosthodontics, the permanent teeth are placed on the screws and the treatment is completed. Aside from creating an aesthetic result, All-on-6 dental implant treatment also eliminates serious oral issues which can occur due to advanced tooth loss. The biggest advantage of this method is that it can be applied even in patients who are completely edentulous and have an advanced bone deficiency. All-on-4 and All-on-6 treatments have been using in dentistry for more than 10 years and have a very high success rate.

All-on-6 treatment is performed under local anesthesia and has no risks. The possibility of complications is extremely low and rarely encountered. However, All-on-6 treatment may not be suitable for every patient. The eligible candidates for the treatment should be in overall good health condition. Chronic conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure may be an obstacle to the treatment, in this case, you have to discuss it with your doctor. Apart from this, there is no upper age limit for the process and successful results are obtained even in 80-year old patients. 

Patients can start eating right after the procedure. However, they need to avoid eating hard foods for the 3 months during using temporary prosthodontics. Hard foods can damage the prosthodontics which requires immediate intervention to prevent any loss of the implants. Patients can go back to their diets and consume every nutrient after the permanent teeth are placed.

It is very normal to experience some swelling and mild pain in the first days, but if these symptoms persist for a long time, our dentists should be informed without wasting any time. You should be aware that oral and dental care more important than ever once the screws are placed. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use floss and mouthwash regularly.

All-on-4 and All-on-6 are also a less costly treatment compared to the conventional implant technique. Contact our clinic for a free consultancy if you want to benefit from this treatment.