
What is All-On-4 Dental Implant Treatment? Why Should You Choose It?

What is All-On-4 Dental Implant Treatment? Why Should You Choose It?

All-On-4 dental implant treatment is a technique that has been performed in dentistry for more than 10 years. This method is based on fastening the dental prosthesis with 4 or 6 implants in order to achieve a successful result in patients with severe bone loss.

Advantages of All-on-4 Dental Implant Procedure

An All-on-4 dental implant procedure can be applied to patients who suffer from losing all of their teeth. The patient’s oral health is evaluated in the first examination, as in all surgical procedures. Tridimensional examination of the bone condition is crucial in the planning process of this treatment.

An All-on-4 dental implant, which solves the edentation problem, is performed by fastening 4 fixed teeth onto lower and upper jaw bones. The biggest advantage of this method is that it is done within a single day, in a single surgical procedure. In a classical dental implant procedure, 6 or 8 implants are needed to support the bridge and the new teeth are placed on them a few months later. Therefore, All-on-4 is more advantageous in terms of both the use of less implants and a fast treatment process.  All-on-4 is also a less costly option compared to the conventional implant technique, which makes it the one of the most preferred dental treatments today. It has a quite high success rate as it provides a natural and comfortable prosthetic tooth structure to patients.

Who is a Good Candidate for All-on-4? Is It Suitable for Everyone?

This treatment may be preferred by many people, including those who have lost one or more of their teeth or who cannot use removable prosthesis. However, the remaining teeth will need to be extracted before the operation. Doctors primarily focus on eliminating any problems before the dental implant procedure.

All-on-4 is recommended for patients who experience bone loss in the posterior part of the lower and the upper jaw as well. Patients don’t face any problems with eating or speaking since they can start using the prosthesis on the same day of the operation. Nevertheless, you need to follow your doctor’s instructions in the first months after the operation. There may be some swelling or pain after the surgery, but the medications that were prescribed by your doctor will help to minimize it.

It is not possible to name a certain price for All-on-4 dental implant treatment, which is one of the issues that patients are most curious about. Many factors play a role in determining the price, such as the oral and dental condition of the patients and treatments that are required in advance of the operation, or the doctor’s experience, and equipment to be used. If you are interested in getting more information about All-on-4 dental implants, you can contact us anytime you want. Okutan Dental Clinic is here to offer you a free consultancy.