
What Determines the Cost of the Braces?

What Determines the Cost of the Braces?

Orthodontic treatment, more commonly known as braces, is a procedure that corrects the deformities in the alignment and structure of the teeth. The prices of orthodontic treatment, which has various types, vary according to the materials and methods used.

Which Dental Problems Does Orthodontic Treatment Correct?

Braces are used for correcting: split, crooked, crowded, and broken teeth, as well as closing the gap between the missing teeth and ensuring that the teeth have a smooth and sequential arrangement. Orthodontic treatment can be applied to all children from the average age of 6-7 years, teenagers, and adults with teeth misalignment. Although braces can be worn in all age groups, the best time for treatment is 12-13 years old when all permanent teeth come in.

Which Factors Affect the Cost of the Braces?

The types of braces used today are metal braces, ceramic (clear) braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners. Not all of these methods are suitable for every patient; that's why several types of bracket and treatment have emerged over the years. Orthodontic treatment requires personalized planning as each individual's tooth, jaw, and bone structures are different. Factors such as the choice of the bracket, the material to be used, the dentist, the hospital, the duration of treatment, and whether the patient needs additional treatments, affect the price of the treatment. A well-known and expert dentist will charge more, and the city, clinic, or hospital where the treatment takes place also plays a role in determining the prices. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, remember that you should consult a specialist dentist to get the most accurate information.

As of 2021, orthodontic treatment costs between 5000 TL and 15000 TL (600-1800 USD) on average. The price increases if ceramic or lingual braces are preferred. Factors such as the degree of difficulty of the treatment and additional procedures to be applied beforehand also play a role in the increase in the prices. For example, a patient who only needs treatment in their upper teeth will have a shorter and easier treatment period than patients who need to fix both their lower and upper teeth. There will definitely be a price difference between a brace treatment lasting 1 year and a treatment lasting 3 years.

Which Braces Are More Suitable for Whom?

Metal Braces: Classic braces. Metal brackets, which are still the most used bracket type today, are more durable and robust than other types of braces. It is suitable for all age groups. It is often preferred since it’s cheaper than other braces and the treatment period is shorter.

Clear/Ceramic Braces: It is suitable for patients who are uncomfortable with the appearance of metal brackets. It’s mostly preferred by adults. Ceramic brackets are more expensive than metal brackets.

Lingual Braces:  Lingual brackets are placed on the inner surfaces of the teeth, and therefore they are not visible from the outside. These braces are ideal for less problematic teeth. Lingual braces have two disadvantages: the brackets are more difficult to maintain and the treatment process is longer. It’s the most expensive type of braces.

Clear aligners:  The removable clear aligners are not noticeable when viewed from the outside. They are very easy to care for, as patients can remove the clear aligners while eating and brushing their teeth. However, the treatment process is prolonged since clear aligners are not fixed like braces.