
Types of Implant Prostheses

Types of Implant Prostheses

Missing teeth can turn a person's life into a nightmare. Tooth deficiency, particularly in the anterior teeth, is not only a visual problem but also a functional issue. While some patients have one or two missing teeth, some patients may face the problem of total edentulism. The definitive solution for the second case is implant and prostheses treatment.

Implant treatment has been preferred by millions of patients all over the world for the last fifteen years. It is a salvage treatment for many, including edentulous patients. The prostheses on the implants are as important as the implants for implant treatment.

Quality and well-made implant-supported prostheses greatly increase the living standards of patients. Implant prostheses are of two types, fixed and removable. Implant treatment and prostheses have the following advantages:

-Even edentulous patients can benefit from this treatment.

- When implant treatment is applied to a single tooth, it is not necessary to process the adjacent teeth. In other words, the neighboring teeth are not damaged at all.

-There are two types of prosthesis options, fixed and removable. Thus, the appropriate treatment method can be selected for each patient.

-As long as the prostheses are made of high quality and well, they can be used safely for many years.

-Implant treatment is a radical solution that eliminates both aesthetic and functional problems.

Fixed Prostheses

 Fixed implant prostheses, as the name suggests, do not move after they are placed by the dentist. Fixed prostheses can be made singly, or they can be prepared in multiples to cover the entire jaw.

Fixed prostheses are prepared to give the patient the best results both visually and functionally.

Semi-Removable Prostheses

 It may not be possible to apply fixed prostheses in edentulous patients. In this case, semi-removable prostheses are preferred as a second alternative. Semi-removable prostheses are less costly than fixed implant prostheses. At least 6 implant screws are needed to apply a fixed prosthesis. This number can be reduced in semi-removable prostheses. In other words, fewer surgical procedures are required if a semi-removable prosthesis is to be used.

Semi-removable dentures are more comfortable than fixed dentures. The best way to clean semi-removable dentures is by removing them at least twice a day. If you are using a semi-removable denture, do not forget to remove the dentures at night and put them in water. You can healthily use their prostheses for many years as long as you take good care of them.

You can call our clinic for more information about implant treatment and prosthetic teeth.