
Porcelain vs Zirconium: Which Is Better?

Porcelain vs Zirconium: Which Is Better?

Although dental implants are the most used method in tooth loss nowadays, the tooth and bone structure may not always allow this treatment. Some patients may not also prefer dental implants since it is a costly treatment method. The best solution, in this case, is choosing dental bridges and crowns. Patients, who consider getting dental crowns, are often curious about whether porcelain veneers or zirconium crowns are better.

Both methods have their pros and cons, and patients will be able to decide which one is right for them, after learning the differences between these two methods.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are made of metal. It is a classical method that has been used for years and is still known as the most common type of veneers. Porcelain veneers are functionally successful and have the ability to protect the teeth, however, they provide an unnatural result most of the time. The biggest disadvantage of porcelain veneers is that it has a more matte and opaque structure compared to the natural tooth, which is more transparent. Although this artificial appearance can be minimized as much as possible with the dental technologies we have today, metal-supported veneers can’t achieve perfect harmony with the original tooth structure and shade.

Another disadvantage of porcelain veneers is the risk of causing gum diseases in the future. Porcelain veneers, which cannot fully comply with the gums since their infrastructure is metal, cause food residues to accumulate in the gums. This can get serious if left untreated, causing gingivitis in the future.

Porcelain veneers are more affordable than zirconium crowns; however, their lifetime is not as long as zirconia.

Zirconium Crowns

Newly developed zirconium crowns have become popular in a short time for their durability, permanence, and perfect adaptation to the natural tooth structure. Zirconium crowns take their name from the material which they are made of. Zirconium, being one of the strongest materials in the nature, matches the real tooth structure and color, unlike metal.

If the patient has dental caries or any dental diseases, they should be treated before applying the zirconium crowns. The quality of the material used for an eligible zirconium crown treatment is critical; therefore, it is more costly than conventional metal-backed porcelain veneers. However, it should be noted that zirconium crowns are more advantageous in the long term, as they offer a problem-free and healthy use option for long decades compared to veneers.

In the light of all this information above, patients can make their decisions by considering their financial situation. It should not be forgotten that both methods will yield successful results in the hands of a qualified dentist. You can get a free consultation from our specialist dentists and find out which method is more suitable for you by contacting us right now.