
Oral Care for Lingual Braces

Oral Care for Lingual Braces

Today, there are many orthodontic treatment options for patients who are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth. One of them is lingual braces, also known as invisible braces. Especially preferred by adult patients, lingual braces are a special treatment method for those who do not want to use visible braces.

The only difference of lingual orthodontics from classical orthodontic treatments is that the brackets are placed behind the teeth instead of the front surface. In this way, a great cosmetic advantage is provided for patients. Lingual braces, which can be applied to everyone, are preferred by people who attach more importance to their appearance. However, these brackets have a more careful preparation process compared to standard brackets. The brackets, which are designed individually and in accordance with each tooth of the patient, are firmly attached to the teeth.

Although it is a cosmetically advantageous treatment option, lingual braces have some disadvantages such as cost and long treatment time. There are some things that patients who use lingual brackets should pay attention to. As with any orthodontic treatment, lingual braces should be kept clean to prevent complications such as gingivitis or tooth decay. Things to pay attention: 

1-Brushing the teeth at least three times a day and at least two minutes each,

2-Brushing the gums while brushing the teeth,

3-Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and changing the toothbrush every 2 months,

4-Using dental floss every day to get rid of the food residues accumulated between the teeth,

5-Using mouth shower (mouth washing device) to clean the brackets in detail,

6-Using oral care every day to achieve complete hygiene.

The biggest difficulty of lingual braces is the limitation of the patient's field of vision since the brackets are located on the posterior surface of the tooth. If these braces are not cleaned well, the food residues accumulated in them can cause gingivitis and bad breath. In order to prevent this, patients should brush their teeth thoroughly after each meal.

When using dental floss, you should prefer waxed floss to prevent the floss from getting caught between the brackets or cause tooth bleeding. Try to be as gentle as possible when brushing your teeth and flossing. Finally, keep in mind that you should also be careful with the food you eat during your orthodontic treatment period. Especially sugary foods, acidic drinks, chewy foods and junk foods (such as chewing gum, jelly beans, popcorn) are things that should be avoided during orthodontic treatment. These foods may damage the brackets or cause plaque formation by remaining between the brackets.

For more information about lingual braces, you can contact us and get free consultation from our specialist dentists.