
It’s No Longer a Dream to Have a Brilliant Smile

It’s No Longer a Dream to Have a Brilliant Smile

We all know how important oral and dental care to have healthy teeth. However, even if we take good care of our teeth, many factors such as eating habits, genetic factors, smoking, excessive tea and coffee consumption, etc. may cause yellowing and staining of the teeth. In this case, cosmetic dentistry is the perfect solution.

Many big steps have been taken in dentistry today with the help of developing technologies; cosmetic dentistry is one of them. Although regular and adequate oral care is essential for dental health, it is not sufficient to solve cosmetic problems in the teeth and gums. Decayed, yellow, and stained teeth, crookedness and deformity in the teeth alignment, and edentation may cause difficulties in social life and lack of self-confidence. People who are not confident with the appearance of their teeth may hesitate to laugh or even talk in public. Smile design is a great procedure for those who complain about deformities in their teeth and gums.

Smile design is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that provides the most natural and ideal result by correcting the cosmetic defects in the teeth and gums of the patients. Smile design is a multidisciplinary procedure.

Which Procedures Does Smile Design Include?

Smile design is planned according to the needs and demands of each patient, therefore, the procedures involved may vary. Factors such as age, gender, oral and dental health condition play an important role in the planning process. If the patient has decayed tooth, tooth-loss, or gingivitis, they are treated first. A classical smile design procedure consists of teeth whitening/bleaching, porcelain veneers, zirconium crowns, orthodontic treatment, and gingivectomy procedures

The measurements are taken from the patient’s mouth in order to make accurate planning and determine what needs to be done during the first evaluation with the patient. Then, the resulting draft is shown to the patient and necessary retouching is made.

First of all, orthodontic treatment is done if needed. Today, orthodontic treatment provides the opportunity to correct the disorders not only by conventional metal braces but also with clear aligners which are particularly preferred by adults. After that, edentation is eliminated with implant methods while gingivitis and gummy smiles are treated by gingivectomy. The yellow and stained teeth require a teeth whitening procedure. Teeth whitening is the most popular procedure among the whole smile design process, demanded by almost every patient. Apart from these, the last touches can be made with composite fillings, porcelain veneers, or zirconium crowns. Depending on the patient’s request, procedures such as filling, botox, or bichectomy can be applied to the face as a part of smile design in order to create a more harmonious result.

A beautiful smile is a must for an impressive image. Contact us right away to get a free consultation from our specialist dentists if you want to improve your smile and self-confidence.