
How to Treat an Abscessed Tooth?

How to Treat an Abscessed Tooth?

A tooth abscess is the result of bacterial infections that occur in the root of the tooth or the gum. Abscesses, which are a kind of reaction of the body against these infections, are formed by the penetration of bacteria into the roots of the teeth as a result of breaking or cracking the tooth. In general, not paying attention to oral care or consuming too much sugar and carbohydrate-containing foods are shown as the cause of tooth abscess formation.

Abscessed teeth should not be underestimated and the importance of early diagnosis should not be underestimated. A tooth abscess that is not treated on time can lead to more serious problems. Bacteria that reproduce here can spread to other places, as a result of which abscesses can spread to neighboring tissues and vessels, causing inflammation and bleeding in these areas as well. The situation can be dangerous if dental abscess treatment is delayed.

What Are the Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth?

A tooth abscess occurs at the root of the tooth. Therefore, redness and swelling in tooth roots and gums are the most important indicators of tooth abscess. These bumps are usually the size of a pimple and pus flows through them. In this case, the tooth abscess has progressed too far and the nearest dentist should be consulted without wasting any time.

Tooth abscess first manifests itself with the following symptoms:

-Toothache experienced during eating or out of nowhere,

-Severe toothache that causes sudden awakening at night while sleeping,

-Cold and hot sensitivity in teeth due to abscess,

-Swelling in the face and neck area, again due to abscess,


How to Treat an Abscessed Tooth?

In cases of a dental abscess, a physical examination is performed first, then an x-ray is taken to determine how far the abscess has progressed. In the treatment of dental abscesses, deep cleaning of teeth and gums has an important place. After curettage, the teeth are anesthetized and the inflamed area is cleaned. If the abscess has reached the nerves inside the tooth, these infected nerves are removed by applying root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is the most commonly used method in the treatment of abscessed teeth. If the inflamed area is very large and it is too late for treatment, root canal treatment may not be sufficient. Surgical methods may be required in dental abscesses at this level. If there is no positive response to both treatments, the inflamed teeth are extracted and implant treatment is applied as a last resort. However, this is a situation that can be encountered in dental abscesses that have been neglected for a very long time. A simple root canal treatment and, if necessary, the use of antibiotics are sufficient for dental abscesses that are intervened promptly with early diagnosis.

If you are showing symptoms of tooth abscess, do not neglect to go to a specialist dentist immediately and get treatment. For more, you can get information from us by contacting our polyclinic and make your appointment.