
How to Prevent Gum Bleeding? 

Dental health cannot be considered separately from gum health. Gums affect oral health at least as much as teeth. The most common gum problem is bleeding gums. Gum bleeding due to many reasons can sometimes be a sign of serious problems.

Why Do Gums Bleed?

Gums are tissue that acts as a barrier by framing the teeth. Healthy gums should have a light pink, lively, and matte appearance. The gums should follow the tooth contour and tightly wrap the tooth roots. Conditions such as bleeding, swelling, and inflammation in the gums are unusual and they need to be treated.

Gum bleeding is more common in individuals who do not pay attention to oral hygiene. When the teeth are not brushed regularly, food residues accumulate between the gums and cause the formation of bacterial plaques, which inflame the gums. Bleeding gums often indicate an infection and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious gum disease.

Don’t Underestimate the Bleeding of the Gums

 Although gingival bleeding is common in society, it is ignored by most people. As we mentioned above, gingival bleeding that isn’t taken seriously and not treated causes serious damage to dental and oral health.

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. If gingivitis progresses untreated, it passes into the critical stage called periodontitis. At this stage, the gum disease is very advanced and the infection has spread to the bone.

So, how can you prevent bleeding gums? What can you do to prevent the bleeding?

The way to prevent bleeding gums is actually very simple: by healthy and regular oral care. It is very unlikely that people who take care of oral hygiene will experience gum diseases. For healthy dental and oral care, it is sufficient to brush the teeth thoroughly at least 2 times a day, gargle with mouthwash twice, and use dental floss a few days a week. Apart from these cares, visiting the dentist every six months and getting the tartar cleaned is also quite important. 

If your gums bleed easily while brushing or flossing your teeth, if you have swelling, redness, or pain in your gums, do not neglect to see a specialist dentist immediately. You can call us right away and make an appointment with our polyclinic.