
How Does a Smile Design Work?

How Does a Smile Design Work?

Everyone does care about their teeth and smile. We all want our teeth to look like pearls and whiter when we laugh. Deformities and yellowing of our teeth are the enemies of a healthy smile. It is a known fact that people who are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth have lower self-confidence and are relatively unsuccessful in their social and professional lives. Fortunately, this is no longer a problem thanks to aesthetic dentistry. We are now able to get our patients a perfect smile by removing all kinds of elements that disrupt the aesthetics of the teeth and mouth structure. We call this procedure “smile design” or “Hollywood smile”.

Is a Smile Design Procedure Suitable for Everyone?

Smile design is an aesthetic dentistry practice in which all deformations in teeth and gums are corrected, taking into account the facial features of the patient. Smile Design, which solves problems such as all kinds of deformities in the tooth structure, yellowing, darkening, or color unevenness, disproportion between the lengths of the teeth, and excessive appearance of the gums, can be applied to anyone who suffers from these problems. Remember that a good smile is a good first impression. For this reason, people who are at the forefront of their profession or who work in front of the camera need a smile design more.

Procedures and Treatment Stages of the Smile Design

 There are three types of smile designs: an aesthetic smile, an intellectual smile, and a sporty smile. The important thing in this treatment is to design an aesthetic, natural but eye-catching smile that is compatible with the patient's face. First, the patient's oral structure is examined in detail with special imaging devices for this, and accordingly, the necessary interventions to the teeth and gums are determined. From this stage on, the number of procedures required by each patient varies. Many procedures such as zirconium crown, lamina coating, laser teeth whitening, or bleaching, and bonding are used in smile design according to the wishes and demands of the patient. For example, it is not necessary to intervene in patients whose teeth are well aligned and whose gums are sufficiently pink and shiny; only tartar cleaning and teeth whitening will be sufficient. On the other hand, some patients need to have all their teeth restored. If there is a disorder in the alignment of the teeth, orthodontic treatment is started before the smile design.

The level of the gums is corrected by using a laser in cases where the gums appear excessively while smiling or talking. Tartar removal and teeth whitening are the two most popular procedures that are performed for a smile design. If tartar cleaning is not done every 6 months, it causes bad breath and yellowing in the teeth. After having a smile design, you should pay attention to such issues and visit your dentist at least 2 times a year to maintain your healthy and bright smile.

Smile design is usually completed in 2-3 sessions and is an extremely permanent process as long as dental care is taken care of afterward. If you are thinking of having an attractive smile with a smile design, you can call us and get a free consultation from our specialist dentists.