
Good Nutrition Tips After Getting Dental Implant

Implants are a significant type of dental treatment preferred to correct missing teeth. Since various procedures are applied to the relevant intraoral region during the operation, some issues arise that should be considered after the treatment. What should I do after implant treatment and what should a healthy diet be like are the most common after-implant questions.


Dental Implant Recovery Period

Dental implants vary. So are the treatment and recovery periods. For example, Transosseous implants and Subperiosteal implants are different from each other and therefore healing times may vary. Although severe complications are not encountered, a certain amount of time is required for the tissues to heal. During this process, there are various instructions and recommendations that you should follow in order to accelerate the tissue repair process and ensure oral hygiene conditions.


Oral Care After Dental Implant

Implant oral care requirements are similar to those of root canal treatment, although they involve different procedures. Oral care products should not be used on the first day after dental implant surgery. This means that the patient does not brush teeth, do not gargle, and do not use dental floss. The sensitivity of the teeth and gums caused by the implant operation lasts for about 2 days, and it is extremely important to protect the intraoral against impacts during this time. After 48 hours and as long as you don't use hard toothbrushes and don't put pressure on the teeth, you can brush your teeth.


Nutrition After Dental Implants

Nutrition and diet are extremely important parts of implant treatment. Proper nutrition has a direct impact on both recovery time and comfort. You should not eat or drink anything for the first 2-3 hours after the implant screws are placed into the jawbone.

In the first days, you should not consume extremely hot or cold foods. Because, especially in the first 24 hours, tooth sensitivity will be more than normal. This sensitivity usually goes away after two days. This means that the patient can begin to eat normal foods. But of course, you should avoid consuming very hard textured foods or prolonged chewing activity.

Since your diet will change for a short time, you should not neglect taking vitamin and mineral supplements and you should eat fruit. In addition, you should avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol after the implant. Since the implant screw (artificial tooth root) gains its true form in approximately 3 months, it is important that you act carefully and follow your dentist's recommendations during this period.