
Eating after Dental Implant Treatment

Eating after Dental Implant Treatment

Patients are the most curious about the process after dental implant treatment. As is known, implant treatment is usually carried out by placing screws prepared from titanium or titanium compounds into the jaw. After these screws are fused with the jaw, permanent teeth are placed on them. So, how does the healing process progress after implant treatment? What are the things that should be careful about?

First of all, since the implants are applied under anesthesia, food should not be eaten until the effect of anesthesia wears off. The patient may bite his/her lips and cheeks while eating since the mouth area will be numb. In order not to encounter any problems, you should wait until the numbness passes. This will take approximately two hours.

Patients need to avoid consuming hot food in the particular first 24 hours. It is critical to stay away from very hard and grainy foods for the first few days. The stitches and wounds in the mouth will be affected less if soft and liquid foods are preferred for the first 24 hours after the procedure. These foods should be nutritious and should contain vitamins. Foods and drinks such as milk, eggs, yogurt, cheese, soup (should not be too hot), oatmeal, fruit purees, fruit and vegetable juices, pasta are ideal for first day consumption. Since apple, orange, and grapefruit juices contain plenty of vitamin C, they are very beneficial for the body in the healing process. A fruit smoothie is another nutritious option for patients after implant treatment. During the healing process, foods such as chips and nuts should be avoided. In particular, nuts should be avoided.

Cold drinks should also be avoided apart from hot beverages. Instead of steaks, grilled fish, boiled chicken, and vegetables can be consumed abundantly during this period.

Tooth sensitivity usually passes within 48 hours after the dental implant procedure. However, it takes about 3 months for the implants to fuse to the jaw and to heal completely. During this period, the more the patient sticks to his/her diet, the higher the success rate of the treatment. Aside from the diet, it is necessary to mention another issue that affects the treatment and healing process at least as much. During the recovery process, the patient has a lot of work. This process is not only about what to eat and drink, but also to avoid harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol. Smoking and alcohol use are known to interrupt the healing process, so they should be avoided at least until the stitches are removed/absorbed.

You can contact our clinic for a free consultation from our specialist dentists if you would like to get further information about dental implants.