
Bruxism Symptoms and Treatment

Bruxism (teeth grinding) or teeth clenching is an action that a person does unconsciously during mostly asleep and, contrary to popular belief, indicates an unnatural situation. There may be many physiological and psychological factors in the background of teeth grinding, which is doing usually unconsciously. Treatment helps both to find the source of the problem and to prevent the physical effects of teeth grinding. 

Bruxism consists of three types: teeth grinding, clenching, gnashing, and sudden jaw-closing during sleep. The source of teeth grinding, which is considered as a type of sleep disorder, is mostly dental or neurological.

Teeth Grinding Symptoms

The causes and symptoms of teeth grinding are varied. The fact that 4 out of 10 people have teeth grinding problems also reveals the importance of the situation. Since it is mostly done unconsciously, the person may not realize that they are clenching their teeth. Because it is mostly done unconsciously, the person may not realize that they are clenching their teeth. Patients become aware of the situation after others say that they make a grinding noise. Also, it can be discovered right after dental examination that shows there are tooth enamel deformation signs. 

Teeth grinding symptoms include noise coming from the jaw joint and pain in the head, neck, shoulder, and jaw areas. Stress, drug use, and genetic factors are other factors that cause sleep disorders related to Bruxism. Cold-hot sensitivity, movement limitation in the jaw area, and migraine attacks may also be associated with teeth grinding.

Teeth Grinding Treatment

There are various methods used for teeth grinding treatment. The treatment phase begins after listening to the patient's concerns, complaints and performing the necessary examination. During the diagnosis process, the jaw joint, teeth, and intraoral examinations are done. After it is clear that the problem is not caused by ENT (ear, nose, and throat), but by clenching, the process continues with bruxism treatment, and among the somatic, neurological, pharmacological, and functional methods, the appropriate one is applied. It should be added that psychological support is an important part of this process.

Here are the highlights of the methods that dentists can recommend for patients:

Using dental materials: In the treatment, equipment such as anti-grinding teeth protectors, custom-fitting mouth guards for grinding and clenching equipment can be used.

Methods for reducing stress: One of the biggest causes of teeth grinding is stress. Engaging in activities that will make daily life more enjoyable and productive helps to improve the level of stress. Reading books, listening to music, doing sports, getting psychological support will be beneficial.

Using nighttime dental guards: After the examination, the dentist may ask the patient to use a custom night-guard. These personalized plaques, which fit the teeth perfectly, protect the teeth against treadwear. However, it is essential to say that night dental guards help to reduce the negative effects of Bruxism rather than curing it completely.

Fixing malocclusion: When the lower and upper teeth do not close as they should be, to fix the skeleton asymmetry, this solution can come into play.

Botox (Botolinum Toxic): In the treatment of teeth grinding, botox is applied to the muscles in the temporal and masseter area. With the help of the neurotoxic protein generated by the bacterium "Clostridium botulinum", the muscle function can be temporarily reduced or even destroyed in the applied area.

The causes of clenching can be found, and the problem can be treated with various methods. However, it is not always possible to completely fix the Bruxism condition. If you have been told that you are making a teeth-grinding noise when you are asleep, it is recommended that you consult your dentist.