
Botox Use in Dentistry

Botox Use in Dentistry

Botox use in dentistry has been quite popular lately. Although there was a prejudice back then that these cosmetic procedures should only be done by beauticians, we now know that dentists who know facial anatomy very well are also authorized to perform these. 

Obtaining aesthetic teeth appearance is essential in cosmetic dental treatments. We provide this aesthetic appearance mostly by smile design method. Treatments like smile design or Hollywood smile consist of combining at least two procedures such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, zirconium crowns, dental implants, etc. Thus, patients achieve pearly white and straight teeth. However, it may not be enough for a glamorous smile. Once the cosmetic dental procedures are completed, a perfect result will be obtained if small touches are made on the lips and face.

Botox in dentistry is mostly used in patients with bruxism and gummy smile. Botox, which can be easily applied by a specialist dentist, is performed under local anesthesia. The effect of botox injection lasts for about 4-6 months and is completely harmless to the muscle tissues.  


How Is Botox Used in Bruxism Treatment? 

Bruxism, which is also known as teeth grinding among people, can be prevented with botox. The biggest disadvantage of bruxism is that it occurs during the night and patients aren’t able to notice it on their own since they are asleep. If it stays unnoticed for a long time, symptoms such as ear, head, and jaw aches may be encountered.

The first method to be used in bruxism treatment is wearing plaques, however, some patients may not respond to this. In this case, the other alternative is botox treatment. The problem is easily eliminated by applying botox to the muscles that force the jaw. The botox loses its impact after 6 months, so if the factors that cause teeth grinding are removed during this period, bruxism will be completely gone. Otherwise, a second session is required.


How Is Botox Used in Gummy Smile?

The problem of gums being too visible when people talk or smile is called a gummy smile and it can be cured with the use of botox. For a charming smile, not only the shade and shape of the teeth is considered but also the symmetry of the teeth and gums. The gums should be seen about 2 mm in an ideal smile, but they can be seen up to 10 mm in people with gummy smiles. These individuals need a simple botox treatment. 

Local anesthesia is applied to the patients before the procedure. The procedure itself takes about only 10 minutes and patients are discharged afterward. You should come to our clinic for a check 15 days after the process. Our doctors will decide whether a second session is required or not according to your condition.

We follow all the developments in dentistry and keep up with them to offer our beloved patients the best dental treatments. You can contact our clinic right now for a free consultancy service if you want to benefit from these treatments.