
At-Home and In-Office Teeth Whitening

At-Home and In-Office Teeth Whitening

The yellowing and staining of the teeth are some of the most common dental problems we’ve seen in all age groups. There could be many reasons behind this situation. Although eating habits and the use of tobacco products often turn the teeth yellow, some teeth are more prone to darkening and staining due to their structure.

Why Do Our Teeth Turn Yellow?

As we mentioned above, many people experience the problem of yellowing and staining teeth due to their eating habits and smoking. Consuming more than two cups of coffee and tea a day, drinking acidic and sugary drinks frequently, using cigarettes and other tobacco products are the main causes of stains and yellowing on the teeth. People who do not brush their teeth regularly and do not apply the necessary oral care are more likely to have yellow teeth.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Yellow and dark teeth make a person unhappy. People who don’t want their teeth to show too much when smiling or talking may experience a lack of self-confidence in both their social and professional lives. Such people may not even want to open their mouths in public since they aren’t satisfied with the color of their teeth. A teeth whitening procedure solves these problems.

Teeth whitening process is divided into two as home type and office type. In-office type teeth whitening is performed by a specialist dentist in the clinic; whereas at-home teeth whitening is a process that the person performs at home with the materials provided by the dentist.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

The materials used in the teeth whitening process are specially prepared for each person. Therefore, you have to visit a specialist dentist and be examined by them before performing at-home bleaching. The dentist prepares the special teeth whitening plaque by taking the measurements of the lower and upper jaws of the patient. S/he explains in detail to the patients how to use these materials. The procedure must be carried out following the doctor's advice. According to the doctor's instructions, the whitening gel is placed in these plaques and attached to the teeth for 4 to 6 hours every day. You can make a shorter or longer application depending on your tooth color. If the teeth whitening process is to be done at home, it is more practical to apply it at night. You can continue to apply for 1-3 weeks until your teeth reach the desired whiteness.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

This procedure is performed by a specialist dentist in a clinical setting. In this process, a much denser gel is used compared to the home application and a few shades of whiter teeth are obtained in a single session. Before proceeding to teeth whitening, the patient's tartar is also cleaned in order to obtain a perfect result. The result of the procedure shows its effect within 1 day.

Both types of applications give successful results. If you want to whiten your teeth, you can contact our clinic and make an appointment to get pearly teeth by either at-home or in-office teeth whitening experience.