
Are Zirconium Crowns Long-Lasting?

Are Zirconium Crowns Long-Lasting?

Zirconium crowns are one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Zirconium crowns have become the most similar alternative to natural tooth color and structure, thanks to their transparent structure, and have quickly replaced porcelain dental veneers.
Zirconium crowns are the most recommended method by dentists because they are not only compatible with teeth and gums but also durable, and the most natural and the highest quality veneer material. Zirconium crown is also a healthy choice for patients who are allergic to metal and cannot use metal-based products.

The most curious issue for patients considering zirconium crowns is the permanence of these crowns. Zirconium crown, which is both a healthier and more aesthetic solution compared to their alternatives, are superior to porcelain and metal dental veneers in terms of permanence. So, what factors does the permanence of zirconium crowns depend on?

Zirconium is one of the strongest substances found in nature and consequently it can survive for more than 10 years as long as it’s well cared for by the user. It is even possible to take this period up to 15-20 years if they are taken care of very well. The care to be applied to zirconium crowns is not different from the care to be applied to natural teeth. It is enough to brush the teeth 3 times a day, use mouthwash and dental floss, prefer soft toothbrushes, avoid extremely cold and hot drinks, and consume crusty foods carefully. Since zirconium is a very durable material, these crowns do not break easily, still hard and crusty foods should be avoided. Trying to break crusty foods such as nuts with your teeth can damage your crowns. Also, you should not neglect to visit your dentist at least 2 times a year.

Of course, the only factor affecting this permanence is not the patient's good care of his/her teeth; it is just as important that zirconium crowns are made by a specialist dentist, expertly, and using quality materials. High performance cannot be expected from a procedure made with poor-quality materials.

A quality zirconium crown does not allow plaque formation and is not easily stained like natural teeth. Zirconium crowns, which fit perfectly with the mouth, do not produce bacteria and do not cause bad breath. In order to keep them as white as the first day for many years, it is useful not to consume tea, coffee, and acidic beverages too much and to avoid smoking. You can also add whitening kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes to your oral and dental care routines. 

You can get a free consultation from our specialist dentists by contacting our clinic for more information about zirconium dental veneers.