
Are You Doing Your Oral Care Correctly?

Are You Doing Your Oral Care Correctly?

Proper and regular oral care is the cornerstone of dental health. Brushing twice a day is not enough to prevent the formation of bacterial plaques, which are the worst enemy of healthy teeth. Bacterial plaques are the main cause of many dental problems, from gingivitis to tartar, from bad breath to dental caries. To prevent this, effective and continuous oral care is essential.

Many people think that brushing their teeth once or twice a day is sufficient. However, this poor oral care comes back to us as serious problems in the future. So, how should total and correct oral care be done?

Be Careful with Choosing Your Tooth Brush

In general, it can be said that it is sufficient to do complete oral care twice a day. This oral care includes the steps of using dental floss, mouthwash, and mouth rinse, as well as brushing. Aside from performing these steps correctly, the materials used also play an important role in healthy oral care. For example, many people just use a random brush. However, it is very important to choose a soft-bristled toothbrush in order not to irritate the gums. Electric toothbrushes are also very successful in removing food residue from teeth. You can choose an electric or a classic toothbrush according to your wishes.

Do Not Neglect to Use Dental Floss

The use of dental floss is a must for oral care. Even if you brush your teeth after all your meals, the toothbrush may not be able to clean some spots adequately. This causes food residues to accumulate between teeth. Flossing prevents the formation of plaque by removing all these food residues between the teeth. It is sufficient to use dental floss once a day.

Don’t Forget Tooth Interfaces

Cleaning of dental interfaces is often neglected. Although electric toothbrushes are good in this regard, conventional toothbrushes are insufficient to clean between teeth. As we mentioned above, although the more common solution is to use dental floss, the interface toothbrush is also a good alternative to thoroughly clean these areas.

Use Mouthwash

Rinsing the mouth twice a day with mouthwashes prevents the teeth from plaque formation. These products also give a fresh breath and provide advanced hygiene.

Have You Heard of Water Flosser?

The water flosser is an application that sprays air and water on the teeth in a pressurized manner. It is recommended by dentists for solid oral cleaning.

You can have healthy teeth and a brilliant smile by applying all these steps regularly.