
All-Ceramic Crowns

All-ceramic crowns are used to treat damages such as cavities, tooth decay, and tooth cracks. All-ceramic veneers, thanks to their

light-transmitting structures, produce a natural result that is very similar to the natural tooth structure and color. They have reinforced porcelain in their form and are among the most popular aesthetic dental crowns. As all-ceramic crowns are compatible with the gums and are durable, dentists frequently recommend them. 

What Are the Advantages of All-Ceramic Crowns?

Worn or completely lost teeth require treatment in terms of both aesthetics and health. Metal-based porcelain bridges and crowns have been used for many years to replace these teeth. However, since metal is an opaque material, these crowns give a dull and artificial appearance. Particularly when metal-based porcelain crowns are used on anterior teeth, an unnatural and aesthetic result is obtained. Artificial teeth look even worse alongside natural teeth. For a more aesthetic and natural outcome, all-ceramic crowns are more preferred instead of metal-based crowns. 

Here, some of the advantages of all-ceramic crowns:

-All-ceramic crowns have a more vivid appearance, rather than matte, as they transmit light, and therefore cannot be distinguished from natural teeth,

-All-ceramic crowns are much more compatible with the gums than metal-based crowns, and they don’t cause allergic reactions,

-All-ceramic crowns don’t cause bruising at the gums,

-Teeth are less worn when all-ceramic crowns are applied on them,

-All-ceramic crowns don’t cause sensitivity to hot and cold,

-All-ceramic crowns adhere to the gums more firmly than metal-based crowns.

Do All-Ceramic Crowns Have Any Disadvantages?

 Yes, they have a few disadvantages. 

-The worst disadvantage of all-ceramic crowns is that the risk of breakage is higher than metal-supported porcelain.

-All-ceramic crowns require meticulous work. Therefore, their cost is higher than metal crowns.

In conclusion, the advantages of all-ceramic crowns outweigh the disadvantages. While all-ceramic crowns are strong and durable, they are more sensitive compared to metal-based porcelain crowns. All-ceramic crown users need to be more careful when eating and drinking and doing dental and oral care. Well-maintained full ceramic crowns can be used healthily for many years. If you are using crowns or veneers, you should not fail to visit your dentist at least twice a year.


If you would like to benefit from all-ceramic crown treatment, you can call our clinic right away to get detailed information and make your appointment.